Your home’s roof is its primary defense against bad weather. Weather also causes many homeowners to contact their local roofing company to fix damages done to their homes. While damage can come from many sources, the most common need for repairs is caused by intense weather. Here’s how the weather might affect your roofing and make it harder for your roof to last as long as it should.
Hailstones can form to very large sizes and cause a lot of damage to your roof. Small hailstones aren’t often a problem, but you may have hailstones the size of baseballs or even larger dropping by the thousands onto your property. According to Roofer’s Guild, more than 3,700 hailstorms happen each year in the United States. Large and heavy hailstones can cause extensive damage to your roof, including punching holes through it which will require repairs from a local roofing company.
Strong winds are your roof’s worst enemy and often accompany hailstorms. Even without hail, the wind can blow hard enough to loosen or tear shingles and other materials from your roof. The wind may also snap off a heavy tree branch or cause the entire tree to fall onto your roof and cause damage. A local roofing company can inspect your roof to repair any damages.
A long-term danger to your roof is the sun and its destructive UV rays. The hot UV rays can dry out and slowly cause the shingles to crack and chip. It may also cause the exposed ends to curl upward, harden, and become brittle. Sun-damaged shingles need to be replaced to maintain a quality roof.
Hot and cold weather causes roofing materials to expand and contract. This expansion and contraction loosen the nails and staples holding shingles and other roofing materials in place. If your roof is not properly inspected and maintained, the loose shingles might blow off in high winds or allow water to leak through and damage the support structure.
When you have roofing work to be done, you can call the friendly professionals at Bohon Roofing to schedule an inspection and get a free estimate. We offer long-term warranty protection to each of our clients. Reach out to us today.
Commercial Endorsement & Roofing License No. 80000808
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